
You have 7 days from delivery to decide if an item is right for you. We’ll gladly accept non-fitting or any defective product purchased on GenZKart.in for return.

 GenZKart provides hassle free returns on all products. We only ask that you don’t use the product and preserve its original condition, tags, and packaging.

  In most locations, we offer a free pick up service. You will see a pickup option when you submit a return request. During Pick Up, our delivery agent may do a quality check on the return. The return credits will be processed after the product has been received at our warehouse and has passed a quality check.

 If you choose to exchange the item for reason of receipt of a defective item, you will  be provided with a replacement of the item, free of cost. However, all exchanges are subject to stock availability.

 Kindly pack the items securely to prevent any loss or damage during transit. Returns will be processed within 1 business day upon receipt of your package. The refund will be issued to the same payment account within 3 business days you used for the original purchase per your request. In case of COD payments, payments will be sent via IMPS/Gpay/Paytm/Phonepe.